Jet Setter Show

How do you choose a country in which to relocate or invest? In Part I of this interview, Gary Scott, publisher of Ecuador Living, urges people to “seek the places they love instead of running away from the places they fear.” By way of global travel and investing, Gary and his wife Merri found Ecuador in the 1990s, when it was still a little known place.

They found phenomenal business opportunities in real estate. The prices in Ecuador were better than anywhere else and included the benefit of spectacular weather year round. Gary shares his global investment experiences leading up to this, beginning in the 1960s with Hong Kong’s emergence in the markets. His goal is and always has been to stay on the leading edge of investments. His primary interest is in real estate, catching the emergence of real estate markets around the world.

Direct download: js-19-GaryScott20Part201.mp3
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